- Requiem
- 2006
- 14″ × 11″
- Polaroid, screen print, museum board, paper, miniature clothes pin, found frame.
- Untitled
- 2005
- 12″ × 18″
- Linoleum cut.
- Mobile Cube Studio for 2
- 2004
- 3′ × 3′ × 2′
- Found wood, rubber wheels, hardware, plastic crates, acrylic, enamel, our art supplies.
- views: 1 2 3 4
- Collaboration with Christian Ebert. We built a functioning and mobile studio for two, enabling us to store, move, and work with our materials anywhere.
- Untitled (That Chair Again)
- 2004
- 8″ × 8″
- Drypoint.
- Deutschland
- 2004
- 9″ × 8″
- Mixed media collage. Watercolor, paper, glue, on paper.
- Dead Batteries
- 2004
- 6″ × 8″
- Watercolor on paper.
- Tooth #31 Illustration
- 2004
- 7″ × 4″
- Watercolor on paper.
- Bobbes
- 2007
- 12″ × 9″
- Machine quilted and hand sewn cotton and felt with xerox transfers.
- Untitled
- 2007
- 8″ × 8″
- Pieced cotton scrap collage.
- Untitled
- 2007
- 10.5″ × 10.5″
- Pieced cotton scraps collage. Select pieces are stuffed with batting.
- Pairs
- 2007
- 10.5″ × 10.5″ each
- Pieced cotton scraps collage. Select pieces are stuffed with batting.
- Small and Medium
- 2007
- 10.5″ × 10.5″ and 15″ × 15″
- Pieced cotton scraps collage.